A qualitative software, product or engineering solution needs long man-hours, great collaboration and huge knowledge. This is always an organized teamwork’s result. To manage one of these teams an efficient manpower allocation, and an optimal load is necessary, which means for the team leader a plus problem to handle. The not suitable election make the wash-out of project, which is the worst scenario in team’s life. Our software, with the usage of artificial intelligence helps to rescue projects, before the turnout of the problem. The following sections show the solved problems by the AISMA.
Specialists, developers and product developers works in a team (typically 3-30 people), so that the products and services, which are on the market, will be efficient and convenient for the end user. Teamwork is a big preference, and for sure the collaboration is the way for an engineering and scientific wonder. But let’s not forget the side-effects of collaboration, as a(n):
- information vanishing, or untrue spread,
- proof of responsibility
- tasks inequality,
- conflicts and serious misunderstandings,
- drastic disagreements,
- desultoriness
- etc…
The teams must to solve these side-effects in the most efficient way: With the goal to spend as less time to organize as possible, because the team organization is for solving the problem efficiently, not to spend the time with the solutions of the generated problems. Need to place great emphasis quickly and in time upon the following:
- definitions of liability coverage, and logical, expected sharing,
- treatment of information streaming between team members,
- solution of overladen team’s problem or underemployment team’s problem,
- obvious definition of positions and ranges,
- particular documentation of the team and team member’s activities,
- management of the team convergence ,
- etc…
As much time the team spends to search the problem, so less will be the efficiency. Of course, the effective teamwork is a well-searched area. It devised some product developer strategy, as a Waterfall, Kanban, or the Agile Scrum!
Goals of a product developer strategy is one, well defined system conformation, which in the collaboration rules and statistic datas help by the defined method, restrict teams, and define the team’s quality betterment or wrecking.
In development practice, project teams use the Agile Scrum methodology for the better success. The team leader is the Scrum Master, who is responsible for the team management’s tasks, organize, systematize, and responsible for a successful projects. Next to the Scrum Master stand more (2-10-30) product developer, who’s tasks to provide one, quality result at the end of a project. The strategy belongs to an agile scrum project, contains the following steps:
- Project Backlog construction based on the owner’s requirements.
The team makes a particular analysis and task outsourcing in the start of a project based on the owner’s requirements, which’s goal to make task description, what are feasible by the way of product developers, meaningful and achievable in a few days.
- Sprint planning and Sprint backlog making.
The team sets up a several tasks for the Sprint, which they can execute in 2 weeks and when the Sprint get ready, by this come off one serviceable product (or after +1 Sprint, there is a shippable new version of the product).
- Daily status meeting
The target is the team cohesion and the warrant of suitable progress.
- Sprint retrospective
This is the post-review of the ready-make Sprint: potential problems, direction and solutions. After the 4. point begin the Agile Scrum from 2. point, until the end of the project.
The particular function documentation is an integral part of the Agile Scrum product developer strategy, which target the retraceable and the learning out of a past trouble. In the documentation several project manager and version control software are available for the developer team.
Function documentation, statistics for teams:
Release Brundown chart;
Sprint Burndown chart;
Control Chart;
The KANBAN board;
The function documentation mention all of small occurrents. Retrospective analysis of these and the retraceable of some occurrents are resource-intensive task. An comprehensive analysis last for weeks, months for Agile Scrum Masters. (Amount of data more than 10 GB size).
For a suitable functioning of the Agile Scrum strategy must to build up a division, which analyze and search data of activity documentation in 24/7. A division gives prognosis, reminders and recommendation for developer by analyses in favor of reach the better quality and terms compliance. Of course, this analytic team is not cost-effective and means significant risk and investment.
AiCAN replace this analytic and searcher team by their product: Artificial Intelligence Scrum Master Advisor (AISMA). This product make quickly, on-the-fly and efficiently the big quantity data analyzing by large calculation capacity. AISMA comes to a decision and conclusion not the end of a sprint and not during the sprint retrospective, but during in the project steps make the warning suggestions and prognoses. System will be a project manager expert by all the past activity documentation, what creased the side-effects and overheads of teamwork. By using this the teams and Scrum Masters can share out again their resources for the real problems.
We are confident that inside your company there are a lot of tasks which can be automated with AI: In case you would like to enjoy the advantages of artificial intelligence, then apply to our free consultation on one of our contacts.